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You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!
Exercises For Golf Strength Can Be Done In Your Home
By Mike Pedersen
Exercises for golf strength improvement are not done with machines you see in most of the gyms. In fact, exercises for golf can be done to improve your strength without any machines at all!
What that means is a golf strength training program can be done with minimal golf training equipment and in the convenience of your home...saving you time and money!
The types of exercises you should focus on are golf swing oriented. What I mean is they break up the swing into phases, and you apply resistance via tubing, medicine balls or even dumbbells to improve golf specific strength.
Secondly, most of these exercises for golf strength should be rotational in nature, just like your golf swing. Why would you do a regular crunch (straight up and straight down) when the golf swing is rotational? You wouldn't.
You also want to do as many exercises for golf that incorporate your golf posture body position. This will indirectly strengthen all your golf stabilizing muscles for a "rock-solid" golf swing!
I could go on and on in this article, but I'll be covering in more detail this topic in future articles. Either way...I want you to get going right now! Do something to improve your game right this minute!
About The Author: Mike Pedersen is an Internationally recognized golf fitness trainer and author. He is Golf Magazines golf performance expert, and founder of several cutting-edge online golf performance membership sites. Take a look at his best selling [http://www.performbettergolf.com/golf-fitness-system.html]Golf Fitness Strength System at his [http://www.performbettergolf.com/]golf strength training site - PerformBetterGolf.com.
More Info On Weighted Golf training Club
Short practice sessions regularly are better than one long period. Practice, and good repetition, will teach your muscles to learn to feel - creating your own internal dialog from within that you, and only you, can describe to yourself.
...Golf Instruction Guide
Golf Bags
Imagine there is a line drawn from the toes of your rear foot to the toes of your front foot and continuing on down the fairway. This is the path to which you are aiming your shot. If you're looking for some good golf swing drills to practice this is a good one, place a club or broom stick across the front of your feet and step away to see where you've aimed your shot. Most beginner golfers realize that they weren't aimed where they wanted at all. The best fix for this is to pick a point 120-240 in front of you that is in line with where you want to aim. Square your stance up to that point rather then trying to aim for a spot one hundred or more yards down the fairway. This will drastically improve your accuracy and allow you to concentrate more on hitting the ball well.
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Thu, 29 May 2008 00:00:00 GMT
Titleist is also the Top Choice Across Every Major Equipment Category at Men’s Championship
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Destroy your golf slice in a matter of minutes using this revolutionary new system!
The Secret And Crucial Role Of Alignment In Supercharging Your Game!
By: Ian Canaway
The alignment is an absolutely crucial and vital part to any golfer�s game. You swing round your body, therefore if your body is offline, your swing in turn will be off line and out of sync, resulting in a poor swing and a poor shot, usually ending up deep in the rough.
When setting up to the ball, firstly ensure the clubface is square to the �ball to pin line� (the line between the ball and the pin), and ensure that your shoulders, hips and feet are all parallel to the �ball to pin line�, if these 3 are not aligned and one is out, a good body turn is ruined with a poor swing resulting.
When training, on the driving range or wherever you can practise, a useful technique for lining up is to place a club on the floor and check that you�re your feet, hips and shoulders line up with each other, the shoulder alignment is particularly crucial because your body turn starts with your shoulders.
Ideally, you should be lining your body up slightly to the left of the target (slightly to the right for left hand players), as opposed to trying to line your body up with the target itself.
On the course a simple test to see if this is the case, is to look at the target, if you can see your left shoulder, then you are lined up to too far to the right (visa versa for lefthanders), your shoulder should be just out of sight.
Poor Alignment can have several affects, these are all negative. Aligning too far to the left most commonly leads to the slicing of the ball, this occurs because you are not parallel to the line running from ball to pin. As a result the backswing is limited so an �out to in� swing results. As a consequence the club face is slightly open on impact which generates side spin on the ball. This leads to the common problem which is the slice which I will explain in another article.
If you align too far to the right, the opposite will take place and a hook will occur due to the �in to out� swing of the club, although quite common with beginners and inexperienced players.
Often they will subconsciously become aware of this and try to adjust mid-swing, over adjusting by opening up the clubface as impact approaches. This again results in the slicing of the ball, which is very difficult to control and usually leads to �the rough�.
Alignment is an often overlooked and crucial part to any golfer�s game and therefore must be addressed for you to succeed at any level of golf. For as long as you�re alignment is out, you will never be able to consistently hit straight accurate shots and will increasingly find yourself hooking or slicing into the rough, turning those pars into bogies and taking your round from a 75 to 85.
So get that alignment sorted and go shoot some birdies.
Discover amazing free golf tips and secrets to help you take your game to the next level and shave a minimum of five shots off your best round. Visit golf-tipsandsecrets.blogspot.com
Tips About Golf Swing Aid
Womens Golf Drivers And Fairway Woods
Try A Premium Driver Shaft. The shafts that come with modern drivers are better than ever, but if you want to maximize your performance, check out an aftermarket model.
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Taylor Made Burner Fairway Woods
Private lessons and golf schools are the two typical ways to receive golf instruction. Both have strengths. Private lessons allow for follow-up visits over a period of time - a building block approach to learning golf. Schools offer an intensive amount of learning in a short time, but can also offer too much information and without follow-up. But private lessons can take months to complete.
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Titleist Tour Report: Accenture Match Play Championship
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Watch this week's Titleist Tour Report from the Accenture Match Play Championship, featuring defending champion David Toms.
Titleist Ambassador Steve Stricker Rallies to Win at The Barclays
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Moves to Top of FedEx Cup Standings with Come-from-Behind Win
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You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!
County Sligo Golf Club: The Jewel of the Northwest of Ireland
When a vacation is coming up, golfers eagerly anticipate the time where they can load their gear and race to the courses. But for some who have worked the daily grind, these precious time will be spent on something truly worthwhile that would be the stuff memories are truly made off. Some of them save up and go to Ireland.
Why Ireland?
Simple, they have got some of the best golf courses, whether it be links or parkland courses, that the world have ever seen. Many golfers have discussed the fabulous games they have played and this has made the popularity of Ireland with regards to their golf even grow so much more.
Situated 8 kilometers northwest of the town of Sligo, you will find a century old golf course that has tested many seasoned golfers and have continually to do so. Founded at Rosses Point, the County Sligo Golf Club started in 1894 as a nine-hole links course and was soon developed as a full 18-hole course a dozen years later. Today, this mature golf course has been the site for many prestigious events such as the West of Ireland Championship which calls the course its home. The club has also been chosen as the host for the Irish Close Championship, the Interprovincial Championships, and the Home International Championships, cementing its stature as a world class golf course.
One of five beautiful golf courses found in Sligo, the County Sligo Golf Club golf course is a natural beauty that is encompassed by the Atlantic Ocean on one side and a range of mountains on the other. The fresh breeze from the ocean is a welcome accompaniment as you play along the course, but this same wind could get treacherous as strong gusts can greatly affect the game play. This has been a great challenge for many skilled and seasoned golfers and also a great teacher for the novice.
And since it�s a vacation, you're family can tag along as well. Sligo town offers a wide variety of attractions and activities for the whole family. The kids can be taken to the biggest birds of prey sanctuary in the whole of Ireland and watch these predators swoop down and soar in their homes. You can also take them to the Woodville farm where rare animal breeds and historic farms can be visited.
You may also take your family in a horse ride whether it is a run in the beaches or a slow ride through the scenic views of this side of Ireland. True family fun for adults and kids are assured and you get to enjoy nature's best.
But what would an Ireland vacation be if you don�t get a chance to savor a true Irish meal. A number of restaurants are just waiting to serve you the finest that this side of Ireland has to offer. Choose from a wide array of specialties and get a chance to be a witness to great Irish cuisines.
A golf vacation doesn�t have to mean that you need to leave your family behind. No vacation would be fun without them. Going to Sligo would be the best choice as you get to play golf in some of the greatest courses in the world and have the chance to do a host of activities as well with your family.
Find a great golf training aid or a great golf swing aid today!
Hints About Golf training Aid
Don't grip the club too tightly. A tight grip inhibits a smooth swing and follow-though. Also, keep the grips on your clubs in good condition. Worn grips force you to hold the club too tightly. Replace the grips on your clubs as they get worn and smooth. When first learning the grip, keep a club around the house and practice gripping and regripping the club a few minutes each day. Remember to keep fingers secure and arms relaxed.
...PGA of America
Leg Angle
The lower leg should angle away from the ball at setup. This helps the body weight move off the heels and into the balls of the feet. This is an athletic position that really works.
...Golf Tips magazine
To achieve the goal of hitting the ball at the bottom of the swing arc. Your drives should be hit slightly on the upswing, iron shots are struck slightly on the downswing. Fairway woods are hit at the bottom of the swing arc.
...PGA of America
Headline News About Golf
Montgomerie's last chance of a major step
Wed, 11 Jun 2008 00:00:53 +0100
The statement has been made before; boy, has it been made. Indeed, in certain
media fourballs the “that's that for Monty” have even started to rival the
“fores” in number. And believe it, there are an awful lot of “fores“.
With Tiger out of the picture, the rest of the season looks bright for many players
Thu, 19 Jun 2008 01:15:00 EDT
You hardly need a reminder of just how good Tiger Woods is. We saw it all again last week at Torrey Pines when he limped to his third U.S. Open title. The PGA Tour should consider changing its campaign slogan from "These guys are good" to "This guy is good -- No, Unbelievable."

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Instantly slash your golf score by creating perfect impact!
How A Golf Swing Training Aid Can Help Your Swing
By: Trent
Every golfer wants to improve their golf swing. Training aid information is overwhelming and sometimes unreliable. How can you cut through all the BS and find out how legitimate a golf training aid for your swing really is?
Up until now�you would go on what you see on the television; what your golfing buddies recommend; or maybe even your local teaching pro. But how do you know if a particular training aid will really help your game? Do you spend hundreds of dollars a year on the next golf gadget, or do you do some homework to find out how effective it would be?
Specific To Your Swing Fault
One thing you need to take into consideration is your specific swing fault. By knowing your swing fault, you can eliminate certain golf swing aids that will obviously not help. For example, if you are a slicer of the golf ball, you wouldn�t get a training aid that addresses hooking the ball. This is an obvious comparison, but one that you should take into consideration when choosing a golf training aid.
Price Range Is A Factor
Golf training aids can range from under $20 to over $200. The variance is huge! Everyone has a budget, and it all comes down to what you are willing to spend �in hopes� of a better swing. If you can talk to someone who has had success with a particular product, then you are one step ahead of anyone going in cold and spending a lot of money.
Needs To Mimic Your Golf Swing
So many training aids for golf are not even close to what you actually do in your swing from a mechanical standpoint. I have seen countless golf swing aids that ingrain bad muscle memory and actually make your swing worse. When researching a golf swing training aid, take a look at the general motion of what they want you to do with it. If is makes sense to you, then give it a trial run. If it is far and away different than your golf swing, move on.
You Don�t Need The Latest � Greatest
It is so easy to see some new training aid gadget being advertised on the television and fall for the great salesmanship in the commercial. Don�t fall victim to this hypnotic sales pitch. There are training aids that have stood the test of time, and are still effective in helping you improve your golf swing.
Golf Swing Improvement
The end result is a better, more consistent swing. It doesn�t matter if you spend only $20, did it help you? Some of the most expensive aids have not helped a huge amount of people. I can say this because I receive emails everyday from golfers how have spent hundreds and still have not improved. The bottom line is to stay focused on your needs and get a golf swing training aid that will address those needs and solve your problem.
About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf performance experts in the country. He is Golf Magazines golf performance expert author; as well as GolfIllustrated.com
Hints About Golf Clubs
This is a very common problem for golfers � and it's an awkward adjustment. The solution is very simple, however. Instead of setting your driver behind the ball such that the center of the face is aligned with the ball, move backwards a couple of inches (towards your back) such that the toe of your driver is aligned with the ball. Now do the test again. Stretch out your arms and pick the club up to the ball's height. Is the ball aligned with the center of the driver face? If so, put the club back down and fire! If not, keep moving back until it is.
...PGA Tour
Use Your Body For Power
Every good golfer knows that power comes from the body, not the arms. To learn to power the club with your body instead of your arms and hands, put the club behind the ball at address, with your body in a dead-stop position. Without taking a backswing, try to drag the ball into the air. If you're a player who uses his or her hands to control the club, you'll probably struggle at first. However, you'll quickly find that once you start moving the club with your body, you'll begin to get the ball in the air more consistently. This helps you turn fully through the ball on the downswing.
...Golf Tips magazine
Today's Golf News
One Ball. Collective Excellence.
Mon, 17 Jul 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Senden Leads Five-Win Week for Titleist Players Across Worldwide Tours
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Golf Article Of The Month
This is the secret you've been searching for. The
Golf Swing Secret...get it today!
Golf Putting Tips For Beginners
By: Jasmine Ong
If you�re a beginner, learning the basics of golf putting can be like playing in a one-man band. You have to successfully blend different styles, processes and elements together into one harmonious golfing symphony.
Since your posture and stance can affect how well you putt, the first thing to consider is the way you stand. To execute the ideal putt, your arms and shoulders should be left to do majority of the work. Because stooping prevents you from swinging your arms freely, it is important for you to stand tall and with your legs slightly astride. Some experts suggest that you to spread your feet apart no greater than the width of your hips. This will ensure greater balance and mobility as you take your swing.
Once you�ve adopted the right posture, finding the best position for the golf ball can make all the difference. As a general rule, the ball should be close to you, enough to make it nearly parallel to the tip of your nose. This allows you to swing at it without over-stretching your arms. The ball should also be positioned towards your stance�s left of center so that it can connect squarely with the putter�s clubhead.
How you grasp the putter also determines your putting success. Clutching it in a stranglehold could throw your swing off. By holding the club lightly in your hands, you will be able to swing it with greater comfort and ease. Therefore, your grip should, in effect, be more of a relaxed non-grip. For best results, you should treat the club as an extension of your hands.
Restraint is another element that is vital in putting. Many beginners equate golf with powerful swings. But if you take a wild whack at a ball, the odds are great that it will fly off into the not-so-distant horizon. And that is not what a good putt makes.
A putt, by definition, is a light and gentle stroke meant to cause the golf ball to roll straight into the hole. Without restraint, those light and gentle strokes won�t be easy to accomplish, let alone master. Putting, therefore, requires a lot of discipline and control. Keep in mind that your objective is to make the ball roll not fly. If you can muster Zen-like calm with each putt, then so much the better.
Another key element in putting is where you set your sights. You should keep an eye on the ball before you make your swing. But you must also take care to keep your head perfectly still during and moments after your stroke. No matter how slight, any unnecessary movement while swinging could throw your aim off and ruin your putt. Instead of physically tracking it, make it a habit to visualize the ball�s path in your mind�s eye.
Above all, practice. Whether you�re swinging on the greens or putting into a cup set on a carpeted floor, practice, practice, practice. Experiment with different speeds and distances. Set goals as to the number of balls you can sink in succession and then gradually increase your limit as you improve. Take note of the techniques that bring you the most excellent results.
By constantly challenging yourself and refining your methods, you�ll eventually discover the rhythm that works best for you. Once you have that down pat, you�ll be able to compose and orchestrate a symphony of putting perfection.
Article Source: http://www.golfarticles.net
Based in Australia and a pro-golfer herself - Jasmine Ong has been writing for www.golfing-advice.com for the last 2 years.
Learn More About Hybrid Golf Club
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Swing one of these properly (smoothly), and your technique will improve, just like Vijay's does.
...Golf Tips magazine
I could ask ten players what starts the downswing, and I would get ten different answers. It has been said that golf is both an art and a science. "To know a thing by its parts is science: to feel it as a whole is art." It helps to understand the mechanics (Science) of a swing. It also helps to understand how to develop the feel (Art).
...Tom's golf tips
Forged Golf Irons
Maintain Your Angles. Stability improves torque and produces consistency. The keys to stability during the backswing are a constant knee flex and steady spine angle.
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Playing The Game- Mechanical thoughts, especially during the backswing, have no place on the golf course. Swing issues and technical moves should be worked out on the practice range. On the course, focus on positive downswing thoughts like �accelerate through impact� and �finish with the right shoulder toward the target.� Avoid negative thoughts by visualizing the ballflight you�re trying to produce, and swing with that image in mind. A consistent preshot routine helps.
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Headline News About Golf
Train with PGA TOUR Winner Charley Hoffman on “Golf Fitness Academy Presented by Titleist”
Mon, 23 Apr 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Learn strength and injury prevention exercises for the shoulders and ankles
Titleist Tour Report: Western Open
Fri, 07 Jul 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Check out the latest Titleist Tour Report from the Cialis Western Open, featuring Titleist Staff Player Steve Stricker.
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The Golf World
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Destroy your golf slice in a matter of minutes using this revolutionary new system!
A Good Golf Course Is Half Your Fun
By: Ken Morris
What makes a good golf course? Many people think a golf course consists of nothing more than a large green lawn or field. While it may have this appearance from a distance, a good golf course is much more that. The way the land is laid out is very important to someone looking to buy land to make a golf course. If they choose a large flat piece of land, they'll have a lot of work and expense ahead of them if they want a golf course that golfers will want to keep coming back to.
Although hills may be something that golfers dread during the course of a game, they are also important for the course to help make the game more challenging. A couple of hills will work perfectly. If there were only one hill, some of the more experienced golfers would have it mastered in no time. Trees, those aggravating trees, also make for a good golf game. It takes a really good golfer to be able to shoot around the trees! There should be a nice area for the fairway, an appropriate area for the rough and some sand traps. Some golfers hate sand traps and claim they could do without them, but they add to the game.
The holes on the course need to be all over the place and not in a straight row. If each hole were the same direction and distance, the golfers would get bored very quickly. Even though many golfers complain about certain courses being very difficult to master, these are the very golf courses they want to keep returning to to better their game. These are the types of challenges that make the golfing fun. If playing golf isn't challenging, where's the fun?
The type of grass that is used is important, too. Bent grass greens work the best because the balls are as likely to roll off the greens as with other types of grass. Good maintenance of a golf course is very important in keeping it course golfers will enjoy. Keeping rocks and stones off the course not only helps the appearance but also will make it better for playing. Many golf courses have groundskeepers just for maintaining the course. Speaking of maintenance, the trails for the golf carts need to be kept in good condition as well. When the golfers are riding the carts, they should get as smooth a ride as possible.
Most important is the customer service the golf course owner and crew show to the customers. This is the major thing that will keep the golfers happy and eager to return.
Ken Morris writes for the most part for www.alicante-spain.com , an internet site about playing golf . His abstracts on golf in benidorm are published on his website
Tips About Golf Putters
rojecting to the target during the swing will not only help create accuracy, but encourage the body motions to swing the clubhead to and through the ball towards the target.
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A More Impressive Scorecard
Correct execution of the draw will result in a more impressive scorecard. Conversely get it wrong and those trees you were hoping to avoid may be very reluctant to give up your ball without a real fight. Nevertheless, once you are confident in your swing, don't be afraid to take on the draw. It may take time and plenty of practice to master the technique, but the results can be very satisfying.
...mastering golf UK
Golf Related News
Collegiate Players Make Titleist the #1 Golf Ball at NCAA Division I Men's and Women's Golf Championships
Mon, 04 Jun 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Titleist is also the Tee-to-Green Favorite across All Major Equipment Categories at Men’s Championship.
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Our Featured Golf Article
This is the secret you've been searching for. The
Golf Swing Secret...get it today!
By Lee MacRae
Great things come in great packages, so to speak.
In particular, golf resorts provide more than a golf player would ask. Generally, it caters to different kinds of people and not just golf enthusiasts. Golf resorts can really stand out in the vacation business.
Due to its nature, golf resorts literally have rooms and villas situated in a secured place. The rooms and villas are full of necessary services usually seen in a typical resort: large air-conditioned rooms, luxurious bathrooms, cable televisions, and internet connections.
Most of these golf resorts have magnificent views coupled with mild and healing climate. Landscapes and ornamentations are carefully drawn in the most luxurious way. There are beautiful pools and ponds that captivate visitors.
However, unlike other types of resorts, a golf resort caters to the specific needs of a golf player or a golf aficionado. These golf resorts are specially made for people who want to relax, have fun, and at the same time enjoy playing golf.
There are golf resorts that offer a variety of golf packages. They have several golf championship courses. Generally, most golf resorts have 18-hole course, par 63 Challenge course, and an 18 hole live turf Putting course.
Because of its specialized nature of market, golf resorts are dedicated to make every golf player a better player by trying out their different golf courses in a more comforting manner. Nearly every golf resorts offer golf lessons that will help every golfer improve their playing skills such as swing and putting.
Other golf resorts offer a variety of golf instruction programs for golfers of all skill levels. Golf resorts may offer individual instruction, group clinics, corporate clinics, junior clinic or multi day golf instruction packages.
On the other hand, there are golf resorts that can give practice facilities to beginners or to those that just want to try playing golf for the first time. In this type of golf resort, their practice facilities can give you the chance to work on all aspects of your game from wedge to driver. These golf resorts could offer you a place where you can practice your putting, chipping or pitching on a large two tier putting green.
In the United States, the most well known golf resorts are situated in Central Florida and Southern California where the climate and views are a perfect concoction so as to make golf resorts very entertaining.
Other golf resorts are Avila Beach Golf Resort in California, Eagle Crest Resort in Central Oregon and Championship Golf Resort in Central Florida.
The Eagle Crest Resort boasts of its golf courses carved out of an ancient juniper forest huddled at the foot of the majestic Cascades. Eagles Crest Golf Resort is also known for its meticulous grounds keeping, fast true greens, and beautiful summer wildflower displays. And because of their lower elevation, Eagle Crest Golf Resort have the longest quality golf season in Central Oregon making them adept in keeping one of their championship courses open all year round.
The Avila Beach Golf Resort, on the other hand, has lavishly landscaped greens. The Avila Beach Golf Resort driving range has great teeing areas and is open from dusk till dawn. They also offer various golf instruction programs.
The Championship Golf Resort likewise caters to most golf fanatics and players. This golf resort is easily within 20 minutes of all the top attractions such as Disney and Universal Studios. And because it is situated at the west of the attractions, Championship Golf Resort could be easily reached using Florida Turnpike and Osceola Parkway toll roads, with which vacationers could avoid the heavy congestion often experienced when approaching from the east.
Aside from these three marvelous golf resorts, there are still many other golf resorts waiting to be discovered and enjoyed. You could try looking for them at the Web because most of them have Web sites already; or you could ask for brochures and pamphlets of different golf resorts.
With the wonderful things mentioned, you can be assured that golf resorts are great alternative ways of making your vacation or golf activities truly an invigorating one.
Happy teeing!
For more information go to golf
Tips About Golf Club
Don't grip the club too tightly. A tight grip inhibits a smooth swing and follow-though. Also, keep the grips on your clubs in good condition. Worn grips force you to hold the club too tightly. Replace the grips on your clubs as they get worn and smooth. When first learning the grip, keep a club around the house and practice gripping and regripping the club a few minutes each day. Remember to keep fingers secure and arms relaxed.
...PGA of America
Burton Golf Bags
Speed Controls Distance. The seemingly obvious fact that the sand (not the club) moves the ball out of the bunker is often misunderstood. To control the distance your bunker shots travel, you have to be able to manage the speed of the sand, which isn�t as difficult as you might imagine. The length of the swing is irrelevant�it�s the speed of the clubhead that really matters. Practice pitching sand out of a bunker until you can consistently control how far it goes, and only then add a golf ball to the equation.
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There are no hard and fast rules about how you address the ball - develop any style you like as long as it delivers a smooth and reliable stroke.
...BBC golf
Gas Golf Cars For Sale
When buying used golf clubs you can't really tell how well the clubs will perform unless you take them out for a few swings. Even at a garage sale, you should be allowed to at least make a few swings in the front yard (take some wiffle balls with you if you are garage sale shopping). Any retail shop should allow you to demo the clubs using real balls. If they won't, ask yourself why that might be.
Practice your golf putting with a great putting green.
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One Thousand Wins and Still Counting for Titleist Pro V1 Golf Ball
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Westwood hails US Open campaign
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England's Lee Westwood tries to remain positive despite narrowly missing out on the chance to become Europe's first US Open winner since 1970.
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Instantly slash your golf score by creating perfect impact!
Golf Swing Aids Make A Huge Difference
By: Joe Tierney
The swing is one of the critical aspects of golf training, and the perfect swing can mean the difference of many strokes. It is a basic technique of the game, and needs to be practiced with patience and care. For people who would rather train in privacy and at their leisure, many companies offer swing aids.
The swing aid is generally a circular guide mounted vertically on its stand, which offers support and guides the club in a neat arc, as perfect as you can get it. Repetitive use of this device trains your muscles to move in the correct arc, the end of the club outlining the circumference of a perfect circle. Using a training aid is a good idea when you don't want to waste time at the course, practicing the basics. The device is portable to a limit, and can easily be installed in a backyard or even a garage for uninterrupted training time. Most of the units come with a training video, which demonstrates the correct usage, and the difference it makes etc.
The perfect swing involves maintaining the correct posture, rolling the wrists in the follow through and the correct grip. The swing aid cannot teach you how to grip a club, but it does make it awkward for you to make a complete swing if you hold the wrong grip. It is important to note here, that swinging away with the wrong grip, on a swinging aid can lead to awkwardness, maybe even a sprain. It is advisable to initiate lessons with a pro, and then practice on a swing aid machine, fully knowing the posture and the grip you are supposed to maintain.
Like everything else during the last few years, there is a digital aid in perfecting your swing, called the swing tempo device, which helps calculate the time duration of upswing-downswing, so you know you are doing it right with every club that you use. This is made for somewhat advanced users, but is a useful tool to graduate to. Of course, many die hard golfers would say they never needed a machine to teach them golf, but that is an argument that many people have about digital-manual equipment, and is not one that will ever have a conclusion! The better way to look at it is, whatever it is that helps you achieve the desired swing, go for it!
Finally it is good to remember that golf isn't a game very easy to master, and it is a combination of variations like the correct stance, the right grip - not too hard not too soft, and the right swing and follow through, to name a few, that will make you a better golfer. It is indeed necessary to constantly evaluate yourself, and to use the right methods to improve your game. The golf swing aid is a definite advantage in the learning process, but the sooner you are independent of it the better. Of course it can always be kept for practice, but dependency on the device wont give you confidence in the long run.
One last device I'd likes to mention is the 'thumb caddy' endorsed by the PGS tour pro Brad Faxon. It is a little device made of nylon and rubber, that fits on your club and guides your thumb into a perfect position to deploy power as well as control, helping you to maintain a firm grip, and the right position on the club, making you avoid hook shots.
It's easily carried in your pocket, and may be just what you've been wanting, check it out! At the same time, it is worth remembering that this is intended for practice alone, and not allowed in tournaments.
Joseph Tierney is a golfer and college student from Florida. You can find out more about improving your golf swing at Golf Swing Tips http://www.simplegolfswing.info/
Tips On Golf training Aid
Many swing faults occur from an improper setup. This can cause unnecessary adjustments during the swing. Taking care to position the ball, feet, hips and shoulders properly ensures building a good swing foundation. Testing has shown golfers with open stances show no more tendency to slice than golfers with closed stances. The open stance may give the golfers a little more opportunity to slice, because it allows a little more freedom in the downswing and follow-though. The square stance is used by most successful golfers. Beginners should start with a square stance. As you advance, you can experiment with the advantages of other stances. Avoid extreme stances. Experiment to find the stance that works best for you. Take care to set up consistently on all normal shots.
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Build An Athletic Platform
Developing a powerful and consistent golf swing always starts with the address position. Tension should be avoided at all costs. Instead, the setup should have a light and bouncy feel that gets you ready to move freely in an athletic way. Tension restricts the body from moving properly and requires the hands and arms to play too active a role in the swing. Rehearse your setup carefully, and your swing will improve.
...Golf Tips magazine
Some things to know and practice: First, and most important search and ask around about a respected golf instructor in your area, and get them to give you information on their program prior to starting an instructional series. You don't want someone giving you advice who is not qualified, and can impart poor information that can create bad habits.
...PGA professional golf
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Golf Grips And Full Release Grips
by David G. Petten
Grips are the most important equipment of a golf club. Golf grips which provides faster grip lose is considered to be best golf grips. There are different companies in the market that manufactures the golf grips keeping needs of the golfers in mind. Experts recommend frequent change of golf grips to avoid disadvantages of your used golf grips which may be lead to loosing your grip due to hardening, oxidizing or grips getting slick. It is always better to change your golf grip either after 3,000 rounds or once in six months.
Introduction of full release golf grips is considered to be the biggest change in the golf club during last century. Full release golf grips help you in improving you game. Full release golf grip enables you to hit straighter and farther. It also gives you advantage of improving accuracy, confidence and distance. You will find number of golf grips available for sale in the market. You have wide range to choose from. Golf grips and full release golf grips are manufactured according to the approved specifications. Full release golf grips facilitate you in full release of the golf club and to achieve club head speed at its optimum.
Following are the some examples of full release golf grips. *X-line full release golf grip: This golf grip is made up of smooth rubber. You have the option to either purchase it singly or are available in the set of 13 set golf kit. *X-line cord golf grip: *X-wrap full release golf grip: These x-line grips are also made up of smooth rubber. *2 color wrap full release golf grip *Designer wrap full release golf grip: These golf grips are made from soft polyurethane. These are tacky wrap golf grips. Designer wrap full release golf grips are available in two types names Wrap designer red golf grip and wrap designer blue red grips. These designer grips are known for their property of becoming tackier where the weather is inclement. *Reverse design golf grips
Generally these full release golf grips are available in golf grip sets. A golf grip kit consisting of grip tape, visuals (video) and instructions for use of golf grips is always accompanied with the golf grips.
Full release golf grips manufactured according to Taperedo Technology specifications are like that of baseball bat grip, thinner at the top end and thicker at bottom end. Patents confirmed golf grips permits you easy release that enhances swing speed of club and gives you improved game touch.
Following are the few salient features of full release golf grips: *Full release golf grips help you in professional players' like proper finger tip grip. This helps you in improving your game. *Full release golf grips provide you with enhanced distance and speed of club head. *Full release golf grip helps you in improving your short game. *Full release golf grips allow you powerful release without changing swing weight. *Golf grip reduces hooks and dispersion in slice-shots.
Full release golf grips have displaced the traditional grips. It is felt that these full release golf grips will become more popular in near feature considering the benefits it offers to improve your golf game.
Golf Grips
Learn More About Golf training AidPutting
Forget about reading the green until you have mastered pace. Getting this right comes from developing a smooth putting rhythm.
...BBC golf
If you can�t seem to find the time to spend at the driving range and your backyard is too small to practice your golf swing, all hope is not lost thanks to virtual golf. Of course, this is not quite as satisfying as feeling the club strike the ball, but it may be a good solution between trips to the course. As the name suggests, you place a ball on the tee just like you would otherwise, but the ball will not travel outside a certain area. Or, you can opt for a net in which you can hit the ball except you will, obviously, have to hit the net each and every time.
...PGA of America
Yardage Has Been Lost
The downside of this shot-making decision is that yardage has been lost and, therefore, a possible birdie opportunity has been missed because there is still a fair amount of ground to be made up before the putting surface can be reached. The solution is to hit the ball so that it bends around the trees at the right moment and makes a greater distance down the fairway, resulting in an approach shot much nearer the hole. The skill called for here is to draw the ball, hitting it initially on a path to the right before it curves round to the left, avoiding the trees and leaving a more desirable lie.
...mastering golf UK
Today's Golf News
Titleist is the Overwhelming Tee-to-Green Equipment Favorite at U.S. Amateur
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If you want a great golf swing then get this Simple Golf Swing eBook
Golf Swing Trainers Are A Dime A Dozen
By: Trent
The golf training aid market is a booming market. Golfers are rabid and will pay any amount of money in hopes to play better golf. There is a new golf swing trainer coming out every month it seems like!
I am not against the use of training aids, but am a little skeptical with all the promises some of them make during their commercials or in their print ads. They all promise more distance, accuracy and lower scores.
There are several "tried-and-true" golf swing trainers I still use today that I got over 8 years ago. They are very effective and great to go back to if your swing goes south on you, but some of the newer ones are hokey and not effective.
The most important thing to look at is what the swing trainer does. Is it close to actual movement of a golf swing? Does it seem logical for your golf swing fault? Is it reasonably priced? Can you try it first before you buy it?
There are several out there right now that do not mimic the golf swing and ingrain poor swing mechanics and improper muscle memory habits. I will not bad-mouth that they are, but if it doesn't closely resemble a mechanically sound golf swing, it is not worth spending the money on.
Results! The bottom line!
In the end...did it improve your particular swing fault? Were you able to take it to the course and actually make good swings for 18 holes? So many times golfers buy these golf swing trainers, use them a couple of times, and never see results.
You cannot ever blame the training aid if you don't use it!
Like anything...do it consistently to give it a fair chance. Make a point to use it daily at first. Most of things swing trainers can be used right in your home or even your office, so it's very convenient to use.
Find more valuable and helpful advice on the best golf swing trainers and reviews on golf putting aids at GolfSwingTrainingAid.com
More Information On Indoor Putting Green
Sun Mountain Golf Bags
Golf clubs can be very expensive. How much you are willing to spend might be tied to how dedicated to the game you think you'll be. On the other hand, if you have plenty of money to spend and want top-of-the-line equipment, go for it. A good option for many beginners, however, is looking for an inexpensive first set. That way, if you don't follow through with the game, you haven't wasted much money.
Improve your distance and save money with Nike used golf balls.
Golf is played in many different types of weather. The type of weather affects how far the ball travels and its amount of spin. Knowing how the weather conditions affect your ball, therefore, is necessary to making correct club selections.
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