Wednesday, December 03, 2008

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Golf Mind Power For A Life Change

By: Randy Friedman

When you learn to get out of your own way, the world becomes an easier place. I believe when you go within, you won�t go without!

Hypnosis is a completely safe modality of therapy used frequently in sports (especially golf hypnosis) and personal development concepts. As a Motivational mind power speaker and Certified hypnotherpist, Randy knows how to help you get out of your own way. Here are some answers to questions that have arisen about gaining mind power through hypnosis.

1. What IS hypnosis?

Imagine a beautiful tropical beach in your mind, smell the salty ocean air, feel the warm breeze brush through your hair, see the gentle waves caress back and forth on the shore� this may be part of the induction used to bring you to a place of complete relaxation.

Hypnosis is NOT a �sleep� state even though a person in hypnosis may appear to be sleeping. Charles Tebbetts, a top teacher of hypnosis, defined hypnosis as, �There is no legal definition of hypnosis. Webster�s dictionary describes it incorrectly as an artificially induced sleep, but it is actually a natural state of mind and induced normally in everyday living much more often than it is induced artificially. Every time we become engrossed in a novel or a motion picture, we are in a natural hypnotic trance�.

As a Hypnotherapist I am more like a guide who facilitates the hypnotic process. My words guide the subject into a relaxed state of body and mind. Technically, a person experiencing hypnosis slows down their brain waves from BETA into ALPHA�and some people actually enter THETA during deep trance states. (THETA is normally the �dream� state we pass through on the way to and from DELTA�or deep sleep.) Interestingly enough, we all pass through ALPHA on the way to and from sleep, so in a sense all of us experience hypnosis at least twice daily.

Hypnosis is the heightened state of awareness where the conscious mind is bypassed, and the subconscious mind is brought into focus. When the subconscious mind is alert, positive suggestions are made for changes to take place.

Simply put, hypnosis is a deeply relaxed state of mind, where suggestions are made to effect a desired change. It can also be thought of as �guided meditation.�

2. Does a hypnotized person lose control?

I hear this quite often and actually, it teaches you how to gain your mind power control. Remember the last time you watched a movie and you actually felt emotion? You were literally in a hypnotic trance, although you still have the power to come out from that state if you so desired. Your mind may be guided by a movie, TV show, self-hypnosis audio program, or Hypnotherapist, but YOU still have the power to resist.

Some people who seem to partially give up control of their minds (like in Stage Hypnosis), is because of a misunderstanding of who has the power. One can be TRICKED into believing that they have �given up control� in some forms of stage hypnosis. Always remember, �ALL HYPNOSIS IS SELF-HYPNOSIS.� You have the control of letting your conscious mind get into a deeply relaxed state. It�s important to realize the real power is�within OUR OWN MINDS! That is what MIND POWER is all about, learning to gain control of your thoughts.

Hypnosis is like a massage for the brain!

3. What does hypnosis feel like?

Since hypnosis is a natural state of mind, clients are often surprised that they hear every word. You may have a feeling of calm, and light (or weightless), or very heavy as if sinking into the chair. In a really deep state, the feeling may be euphoric for some, or almost like being intoxicated without the side effects. In the first session some only go into only a light state of trance, and may believe that he or she was not hypnotized. With progressive sessions, and trust is built, students usually let go and do go to deeper levels of trance, which can be more beneficial.

Certain abilities may be enhanced during the hypnotic process itself:

� The ability to IMAGINE

� The ability to REMEMBER

� CREATIVE abilities

� Receptiveness to SUGGESTIONS

The last ability creates the appeal of hypnosis as well as the fear of hypnosis to others. There is nothing to fear with a trusted professional. Here lies the real advantage in hypnotherapy. It is the capacity for the subconscious mind to accept suggestions while in a relaxed trance state that makes hypnosis so effective. It�s the reason top athletes, actors and politicians make use of it.

Golf Mind Power

Hints About Clone Golf Club

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Practice swings � How many should you take? One or two to find the bottom of your swing and get loose. Take any more than that and the foursome behind you will start to roll their eyes and wish they were in front of you instead of behind!
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The grip most certainly will influence the clubhead, but any type of grip that will keep the wrists from opening or closing the blade is a good grip regardless of how the hands grip the club. Whatever grip is chosen the thumbs should be on top. The thumbs are the feelers and being on top one can feel if the blade is square. Any stroke that holes the ball consistently is a good putting stroke. Regardless of the style of the stroke the putter head should never be taken to the outside of the target line on the backswing.
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To develop the best possible grip for you. Every golfer swings and grips the club differently. Over 90 percent of golfers use the Vardon or overlapping grip. Players with smaller hands sometimes find the interlocking grip, with the little finger of the right hand interlocked with the index finger of the left hand, works best for them. Players with smaller should use a baseball type grip.
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Putting Tip
Wanna be a good putter? Here are some basic fundamentals you should be practicing.
--Get a putter with a very distinct line marked on it to indicate the target line and practice with a chalk line. You can get a chalk line at any hardware store for 5 or 6 bucks, and it's as valuable a training aid as there is anywhere. Find a putt on the practice green that is straight. Snap a chalk line down from about 5 or 6 feet to the middle of the cup. Make sure that the entire length of the line on your putter is exactly on the chalk line. Start making putts. This will train your eyes to "see square" precisely.
--Keep your the pressure in your hands soft and constant throughout the stroke. Sensitivity is obviously a huge part of putting. If your hands are tight on the grip you are diminishing your sensitivity - period. Also, if your grip pressure changes during the stroke, it's probably not "a stroke" but more likely a jab, flinch, spasm, push, hit ... well, you get the point -- good luck with that kind of technique.
--There is no independent action in the hands. Nothing could be more logical: If you do indeed have the putter face aligned precisely, as in the first point above, the last thing you'd want to do is to change the position of the face. Therefore, your hands should not be moving independently of your arms and shoulders. To see if your hands are moving, as a drill try watching your hands very carefully (instead of the ball) a few times. You'll see what your hands are doing quite easily.
There are many more (seemingly endless) details about putting, of course, but if you turn these fundamental concepts into habits it will take you a long way toward being a consistently good putter
...PGA professional golf

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